Bipolar Manic Depression

By Fred Douglas

Though not everyone may realize it, bipolar mood disorder is a real condition. It is frequently also called bipolar manic depression since the disorder tends to cause swapping periods of mania and depression. It is a serious sickness. Some people have a mix of bipolar schizophrenia, which is even more tricky to manage and treat. There are two different versions of the bipolar disorder, resulting in some various symptoms and the requirement for rather different treatments, though the two forms are equivalent in nature.

Though not everybody may realize it, bipolar mood disorder is a genuine condition. It is often also called bipolar manic depression since the disorder tends to cause alternating times of mania and depression. It's a serious sickness. Some humans have a mix of bipolar schizophrenia, which is even more difficult to manage and treat. There are 2 different variants of the bipolar disorder, leading to some different symptoms and the requirement for slightly different treatments, though the 2 forms are equivalent in nature.

Bipolar disorder can cause mood swings that can go from the lows of depression to the highs of mania. In the lows, an individual may feel sad or hopeless or even lose interest in several activities. When mood shifts into the other way, an individual may feel enraptured and full of energy. The incidence of mood shifts could be as little as a number of times a year to as much as a couple of times a week. In a number of cases, biploar mood disorder may cause evidence of both depression and mania at the same time.

Generally bipolar treatments will require long-term treatment since it isn't a lingering, relapsing sickness. Most people that suffer with this disorder must be on medication in order to stop new episodes and stay symptom free. Medication alone will not entirely control all symptoms , however , so that the best treatment method usually involves a combination of medicine, care, life changes and social support. Diagnosing bipolar disorder can often be hard, and that's why it is important to work with a trained psychiatrist.

Bipolar disorder is basically split into a few different sub-types, and every one has a different pattern of bipolar disorder symptoms. If someone suffers from Biploar I disorder, the mood swings may cause significant problems in a job, relationship or school. Manic episodes can be severe and threatening. In Bipolar II disorder, you can experience and elevated mood and some bad temper, but usually you can carry on with your normal, daily running order. The precise symptoms can change from person to person and this is why treatment is geared toward a particular person, and not just a'one size fits all'.

So far, there appear to be several different factors concerned in causing and triggering either a manic episode or bipolar depression. A few of these factors include, the environment where stress or significant loss can play a part in the disorder. It is also far more commonly found in people who have a blood relative, such as a sibling or parent, with the disorder. And eventually, people with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains and analysts believe that understanding these changes can help pinpoint the reasons for the disorder. - 32543

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How To Stop Panic Attacks - Face Them Head On And Be Done With Them Forever

By Lowell Kelley

If you need to stop panic attacks for good, confronting them head on is the handiest way. Rather than battling against the attack, allow it to come and finished. To put it another way, ride out the storm of an anxiety attack.

This is suggested for two vital reasons.

1) The 1st is that fear begets fear. The more you struggle against and try to prevent the anxiety attack, the more fear you'll produce. Fear basically feeds on itself and causes the assault to become even more intense.

Yet if you confront the assault head on, it steadily loses its force and energy as it has nothing to feed off. A good analogy of this is riding a roller coaster. You may have realized that fear and anxiety grow the more you resist and struggle against the movement of the ride. as you go with the flow of the ride, the more enjoyable the ride becomes.

There's an old saying, what you resist continues.

2) The 2nd reason is that the more that you try to keep away from or escape the anxiety attack, all that you are doing is avoiding the consequences until the next episode.

However if you confront the assault, accept it for what it is and ride it out, you can discover that there really was no true danger to fear or fret about. You will understand that your biggest fears weren't grounded in reality. No harm came upon you at all .

The more you face your attacks head and come out unscratched and O.K, the more you'll come to notice that your biggest fears are just the product of your thoughts, not a real, clear, and present danger.

This information will help you to see your attacks for what they are and will give you the faith and nerve to face future episodes. Ultimately, you may understand how to stop panic attacks for good. - 32543

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The Secret: Self Help For Panic Attacks

By Alyson Vandenberg

There are several reasons why someone would seek self help for panic attacks. This disorder can come from several things one being over stressed. Finding out ways to eliminate stress and how to deal with these episodes can help maintain order and restore pleasure in one's life.

Learning the different things in your life that may be contributing to your panic attacks is necessary. You need to be aware of the reason for these annoying episodes and the history behind them. School yourself on the issues that surround these continuous circumstances and try to cut back on certain foods such as caffeine which happens to play a motivating force to these attacks occurring.

Taking some time out for yourself and seeking support is a way to help you deal with panic attacks. Sharing your thoughts and concerns with a close friend or family member can allow you to relief some stress which can instigate a panic attack. Talking out your worries and fears is an excellent way to let go of things that may be bothersome to you.

Keeping track and staying in control of your breathing is another great way to keep things intact. A small brown paper bag can help you maintain a sense of control when a panic attack is in effect. By breathing into a paper bag there is a significant amount of air available in the mind of a person who is experiencing an attack and this leaves them with a sense of control because during this attack a lack of air is the victim's main concern.

Talk to yourself. Try to coach yourself through a panic episode. When you feel a an episode coming along it is an excellent idea to tell yourself that this is only a passing phase and that you are in control. By reminding yourself that nothing is wrong you are taking control over the situation. You are not allowing yourself to believe that you are slipping into a dilemma where you will lose it or be harmed.

Inhaling something that is sweet and placating can help a person remain calm. A delightful scent can bring about happy feelings and feelings of security. Many find that when doing or engaging in something that makes them feel good takes their mind off what is occurring during an attack. The smell of baby powder can bring about joyful feelings or scent of a relaxing candle can also be of great assistance. Try smelling something that makes you happy.

Counting backwards from 100 is a sure way to help you during a panic attack. When the mind is redirected on trying to recall something the person isn't concerned or fully aware of the present state. This is a wonderful technique that will keep you busy.

There are online support groups and people who can help you deal with this issue. Being able to relate to others can bring a sense of comfort. If there are others who are also experiencing the same thing as you then you may find it easier to work through your panic attacks.

Self help for panic attacks provides many support groups, tactics and information that can be of great assistance to you. Deal with the issue and learn how to cope with it. Eliminating certain things from your life may be all you really need in order to gain control and live the life you deserve. - 32543

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Why Do They Lack Self Esteem And Confidence?

By Charles Thomas

Why do people become depressed and anxious? Why do they lack self esteem and confidence? The answer often lies in negativity. It begins with negative thinking and then people start to believe that they are stuck and that their situation is hopeless.

You might need to go to the doctor so you can get some medication prescribed for you. That will jump start your recovery, but it won't provide the long-lasting answers you need.

For the solution to your problems, you maybe surprised to know, lies not in your doctor's prescription but in your way of thinking and overall mindset.

While it's natural for people to try to find someone else to blame when they encounter difficulty, the truth is that we are often the ones responsible for the things that go wrong. Therefore, we should begin by looking at ourselves and at how we choose to live our lives. We need to determine what's wrong with our way of thinking as well as to figure out how to change it.

Once we've done that, then the real work can begin. There are no instant fixes.

Nothing happens overnight for this isn't magic. You have to work on it day in and day out. Make a plan. Choose your routine that which is comfortable for you. But once chosen, it must be followed every day without deviations. Slowly but surely, you will start noticing changes in your attitude and in the way you see things. This change will then fuel your determination to succeed. You will start to see things that have been going well for you, but had been obscured by your earlier negativity.

Do keep in your mind that the improvement in your outlook will be gradual and directly proportional to the effort you put in and your commitment to it as well as your initial negativity.

Your progress will only motivate you to work even harder and soon the time will come when you will realize that you not only deserve success, but that you are also well on your way to achieving it. - 32543

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Anger Management Seminar Life Changing Systems And Expertise

By Eddie Lamb

If you have ever felt like organising your own anger management seminar then this article will help you with some of the basics. As long as you can put a message across anyone can arrange a seminar. It is not that difficult and once you start then everything will fall into place. Firstly you will need to find people interested in attending. Where will you get these people from? Well. The message you want to put across will help. In this case, temper management so therefore you can start looking at rage management sessions, support groups and Internet support groups.

Although you could specify a certain age group it might be better to include all age groups if you are worried about the amount of people that may attend. However a crucial step towards a bright future of the child is to learn how to deal with temper healthily whilst they are younger. The goal of educating people about healthy rage techniques in classes is to teach efficient temper management capabilities.

Many people may have drawbacks with their emotions and will require extra information on rage control. At the end of the day you could provide the people who attended the event with a list of contact people, names, addresses and telephone numbers. Uncontrollable emotions at work might be destructive to a person's job so covering this area could help many people.

Try to explore all aspects of the message so you do not present a one-sided view. Interviews with people are a great element to the seminar. Use different props such as videos, books and speeches. There are so many ways that you could present the message on the day. Remember that everyone learns at a different rate. You will want to include a welcome pack and in this pack remember to put essential items like pens and paper so that people can make notes on the day. It is also commonplace to put some freebies.

Ensure that you know what professional organisations are attending as you will want to address them and maybe thank them if they have contributed to the event. With a seminar you might be able to get some outside help including funding. This is the same for many health related seminars. There are special organisations that you write to, to apply for funding.

Make sure you plan into the event what time you are going to have breaks and lunch. Is this going to be a seminar that charges an admission cost? If so, does this cost include lunch or refreshments? It is a nice thing to have the first drinks free then the rest you pay for.

A seminar should be structured well to have the impact desired on those attending. There should be a beginning, middle and end to the event. When people first enter they should write their names and addresses down so that if there are any more seminars they can be contacted. You should have a list of objectives so that you can measure the success of the event afterwards.

Some people might benefit from counsellors so if there are some there then they can organise future therapy sessions. After the days events you will need to clean up and it might help to ask volunteers to stay behind and help you with this. It is a nice gesture to buy a little something for the volunteers as well. - 32543

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Remedies for Panic Attacks - 5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

By Sharon Waddell

Many sufferers of panic attacks experience debilitating symptoms. These may include hot and cold flushes, headaches, chest pains, a shortness of breath, feelings of tightness in the chest and dizziness. Although medication may be a necessary treatment in some cases there are many natural remedies for panic attacks which can be used to lessen the negative impact of this condition

Manage Stress Effectively

Stress is one of the major contributors of panic attacks. Reducing stress is on the best remedies for panic attacks in general. Well known techniques for stress management include yoga, art therapy, cognitive therapy and music therapy.

Accept the onset

Learn to accept the onset of a panic attack. Don't fight it. The harder you resist the beginnings of an attack, the longer it will continue. If an attack is coming on then let it. You need to concentrate on managing the experience and lessening the symptoms of the attack.


At the onset of an attack redirect your thoughts to a memory or image that is safe for you. This re-focuses the mind and takes it off the present situation. This effective technique can stop symptoms becoming worse. Choose and memory or image that is calming and comforting for you. This could be a meditative scene, a memory of a happy event or a serene image like a still lake or a quiet mountain.

Talk about other things

Talking to another person at the beginning of an attack can distract yourself enough to shorten the attack. Just talk about anything at all. What you had for lunch, a future planned holiday, a funny situation. Really anything at all. What's key is to re-focus the mind away from the unpleasant feelings long enough to let the attack pass with minor symptoms

Deep breathing

This is an effective natural remedy for panic attacks. At the beginning of an attack you may feel you are going out of control. This feeling can induce shallow, rapid breathing as your body tries to increase the oxygen level. As well as the shortness of breath this can produce other negative symptoms like light-headedness and dizziness.

Proper attention is necessary to perform effective deep breathing to eliminate the shallow breathing. Concentrate your mind on slowing your breathing. Take deeper and slower breaths. Imagine your stomach filling up to your diaphragm with fresh air. The concentration will also focus your mind away from the negative thoughts causing the attack.

Many anxiety sufferers have benefited from these natural remedies for panic attacks. Try each technique to find a natural treatment that works for you. It is possible to lessen the impact and reduce the negative impact of anxiety in your life. - 32543

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Getting What You Want In Life Is More Likely When You Raise Your Expectations

By Karl Rogan

You can accomplish more than you ever thought possible, you just need to raise your expectations. The key to this technique is to learn how to push yourself forward without going over the top.

Why raise your expectations?

If you're perfectly happy with your current situation in life, you might be wondering why you'd want to raise your expectations. Well, when you expect more, you'll drive yourself to achieve that much more.

Consider a time when you expected very little out of a situation. You probably weren't unhappy with the result because you weren't bothered, but I bet you weren't really fulfilled either.

While having greater expectations opens you up and make you more vulnerable to failure, there are also big rewards too. It's worth it in the end because a negative experience is still an experience that you can learn from. A positive experience may provide you with one of those life-defining moments that make you happy to be alive.

Here are some excellent ways to raise your expectations of yourself:

1. Do difficult things. Pushing your limits can only be achieved by doing difficult things. You might not find success right away, but when you do, it can be the starting place for doing even bigger and better things in the future.

2. Increase your comfort zone. If you stick with comfort your are playing it safe. Learn to increase your comfort zone and you will open yourself up to new and exciting experiences. You'll soon come to expect more from yourself because your comfort zone is larger and you can take on more.

3. Challenge yourself. Set yourself up with a specific challenge and share this with someone else. If you've publicly declared to do something, you pretty much have to do it!

4. Go on an adventure. Try a survival training course, this will show you how to get back to basics. You'll discover more about your abilities and your natural limits. You can then use this self-awareness to challenge yourself to new experiences in future.

5. Self Improvement. Never pass up the chance to improve yourself, in fact, make it a habit to learn new things. When you do this you will better prepared than ever with the skills and knowledge required to raise your expectations and achieve greater things. You'll also find that new opportunities present themselves in almost magical ways.

Higher expectations will also help raise your self-esteem. What you think you can achieve is very important because it decides what you will achieve. When you raise the bar, you enable yourself to do more and be more than before.

What you think is very powerful, always remember to use this to your advantage. When you raise your expectations you improve your overall sense of self and you are better prepared and able to take on the world.

Try these techniques to help you get what you want by raising your own expectations, and enjoy the increased self-worth and fulfilment that come with achieving great things! - 32543

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Alcohol And Drugs

By Pete Macdonald

For most people, even today, the word alcoholic still carries a lot of shame. It suggests a damaged person, somebody who is different from the rest of society, who has a different psychological or genetic makeup and therefore can't drink. It is very difficult for most people to admit that they are different in any way from everyone else; it is even more difficult if that difference carries with it a sense of shame.

Consider how difficult it is to admit being different, if that means having to give up something that most people enjoy without any problem. Drugs are very popular among young people. Recreational drugs addiction is the use of psychoactive substances to have fun, for the experience, or to enhance an already positive experience. National laws prohibit the use of many different recreational drugs and medicinal drugs that have the potential for recreational use.

Many other recreational drugs on the other hand are legal, widely culturally accepted, and at the most have an age restriction on using and/or purchasing them. These include alcohol, tobacco, betel nut, and caffeine products. It is often difficult to detect if a person is an alcoholic because they may have been drinking and yet doing all the work and activities that any normal person does. They are called functional alcoholics as they are very unaware of their problem, having always been able to perform all the day-to-day activities. Seeking help from a trained professional is the wisest thing that you could do.

To overcome this destructive disease, there are support groups, medical and alternative therapies available. With will, determination and the willingness to deal with the problems behind the addiction, it is possible to come out of it. There are also some social issues associated with drugs. Many people may think that taking drugs is inherently wrong and so should be illegal. But there is a question of effectiveness - Does making it illegal stop people doing it? The answer is clearly no. One could even argue that legalization would eliminate part of the attraction of taking drugs-the allure of doing something illegal.

Countries like Afghanistan, Columbia, and Jamaica have had their economies rocked and destabilized by the illegal market while bribery, corruption, and conflict have ruled. You can go for rehabilitation treatment for alcohol. This can also be done with the help of the Internet or contact some substance abuse authority. You can visit the state health website and email them about your requirements. You can also visit your local health care center or even your local parish and discuss options.

Sometimes you may even know that these specific centers for senior addiction treatment are well-suited for their needs. Especially because they will be living amongst people of the same age group as they are of and they will be comfortable even like living at the treatment center. Drug and alcohol relapse happens much the same way the addiction manifested itself in the first place. That is, by a series of counterproductive occurrences that can create a downward spiral.

The relapse brings about the return of the alcohol or drug addiction in the person's life and the self-destructive pattern that was associated with it. The path to alcohol and drug addiction recovery is lost and replaced by the addiction all over again. Some relapse factors may include stress, frustration, anger, temptation, relationship problems, social pressure and a major life change. - 32543

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Agitation and Stress in Nursing Home Patients Reduced With Therapeutic Touch

By Elaine R. Ferguson, MD

Over the last decade numerous studies have been published regarding the effectiveness of Therapeutic Touch, a form of Laying on of Hands developed in the early 1970s by Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., RN, a professor at New York University School of Nursing, and Dora Kunz, a well known healer.

Initially, they taught the techniques to Krieger's graduate school nursing students. But Dr. Krieger's professional research and writing increased the popularity of the technique, particularly among nurses. The practice grew across the country due to a grassroots effort of nurses. Today, therapeutic touch is taught at hospitals and health centers worldwide and is most commonly practiced by nurses.

Therapeutic touch is a form of healing known as "laying on of hands," that is used to correct or balance energy fields. The word "touch" is misleading because physical touch is generally not involved. Instead, the hands hover over the body. Therapeutic touch is based on the theory that the body, mind, and emotions form a complex energy field. According to Dr. Krieger, health is an indication of a balanced energy field, and illness represents imbalance. Studies suggest that therapeutic touch can help to heal wounds, reduce pain, and promote relaxation.

Approximately 75-90% of nursing home residents experiencing dementia develop behaviors that are probably associated with a stress response. This technique has been shown to promote calmness, decrease restlessness and agitation.

A double blind study was conducted at UCLA in order to measure therapeutic touch's effect on cortisol levels and behavioral symptoms. Cortisol is a key hormone in the stress response. Its levels increase in response to perceived stress, as a way of preparing the body to run or fight.

Sixty-five participants, between 67 and 93 years (average age was 85.5 years) were randomly assigned to one of three groups. The experimental group received therapeutic touch twice daily, with contact on the shoulders and neck for three days.

The placebo group received a mimic treatment that was identical in appearance, and the control group received routine care. The results showed that therapeutic touch may be effective for management of symptoms like restlessness. Also, it has the potential to provide, it may also help with reducing costs, because it is an intervention that is easy to learn use and can be an alternative to drug treatment for people with behavioral symptoms.

- 32543

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How To Overcome A Drug Addiction Problem

By James Handforth

A Drug, by definition, is a substance that is easily absorbed into human blood and affects the normal functioning of a human body. Drugs are usually used to cure, treat, prevent and diagnose a disease. A drug can be good, if taken for treatment of ailments, as well as bad for the health, depending upon usage, quantity and the type of drug being taken. Drug abuse is defined as; taking any kind of drug that causes addiction and harms human health. Drugs have the ability to cause serious addiction when used frequently.

Drug addiction is a disease of brain, in which the person suffers from uncontrollable craving for the drug. The person becomes dependent on the drug to perform routine activities and becomes restless if the drug is not given. A drug addict wastes money on drugs, is unable to perform well, and suffers from serious pain in the absence of drug. If a specific drug is used for a long time, the brain functioning becomes dependent on it. Also, if it becomes chronic then overcoming the problems becomes really hard.

Professional help should be sought by the drug addict if he wants to get properly treated. It is not always that the treatment is successful, nevertheless, the drug addict will realize how harmful the drug is and how vital it is to get rid of this addiction. Following are some methods employed to overcome drug addiction: * Awareness, encouragement and a desire to quite drugs are the key aspects that go a long way in overcoming drug addiction. Drug use can be given up only when the addict has a strong will to quit. Talking with people suffering from the same problem is actually helpful in this case who are aware of the effect of drugs. Also talking to people who have already recovered can be helpful as well. This will be a factor of encouragement and inspiration for the drug addict.

General awareness is one of the most important things required to overcome drug addiction, along with encouragement and the urge to give up drugs. The person should have a strong will. For this to come about, the addict should talk to people with similar problems, know the effects of drugs and discuss with people who have already won the fight against drug addiction. This will encourage and motivate the addict.

* When you want to overcome a drug addiction, the logical thing to do is to avoid it and keep away from it to the best of your ability. Taking up an activity to keep busy is a very smart move in this case. Any presence of drugs in the house or in near proximity should be thrown out and it should be made sure that in case the drug addict loses control and gives in to craving, there are no drugs for him to use.

* A way to overcome a drug addiction problem is to avoid its use and stay away from it as much as possible. The person should keep himself/herself busy. If there are any drugs present in the house or hidden somewhere, they should all be removed and thrown away, with the intention that even when the dug addict can not control the craving, he/she should not be able to find any drug to use.

* Family and friends play a very important role and they should keep an eye on the drug addict. They should support and motivate the person to discontinue drugs.

Drug addicts, in order to overcome addictions, should keep busy in various other activities. Indulging in any sport activity or socialising can help a lot.

The prospect of indulging in interesting and healthy pastimes is a very positive move. It will prevent him from spending his time trying to get away from drugs as there won't be much time left for mindless thinking. - 32543

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Types of Depression In Children

By Mark Davies

While the recovery rate from a single episode of major depression in children and adolescents is quite high, episodes are likely to recur. In addition, youth with dysthymic disorder are at risk for developing major depression. Prompt identification and treatment of depression can reduce its duration and severity and associated functional impairment.

But if these symptoms become persistent, disruptive, and interfere with social activities, interests, schoolwork and family life, it may indicate that he or she has the medical illness called depression. Keep in mind that while depression is a serious illness, it is also a treatable one.

For example, instead of communicating how bad they feel, they may act out and be irritable toward others, which may be interpreted simply as misbehavior or disobedience. Research has found that parents are even less likely to identify major depression in their adolescents than are the adolescents themselves.

Unfortunately, these disorders often go unrecognized by families and physicians alike. Signs of depressive disorders in young people often are viewed as normal mood swings typical of a particular developmental stage.

In addition, health care professionals may be reluctant to prematurely "label" a young person with a mental illness diagnosis. Yet early diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders are critical to healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development.

In addition, children and young adolescents with depression may have difficulty in properly identifying and describing their internal emotional or mood states. For example, instead of communicating how bad they feel, they may act out and be irritable toward others, which may be interpreted simply as misbehavior or disobedience.

Research has found that parents are even less likely to identify major depression in their adolescents than are the adolescents themselves.The symptoms of depression in children vary. It is often undiagnosed and untreated because they are passed off as normal emotional and psychological changes that occur during growth.

They may perceive that they are unable to fit in with their peers. This may be associated with self-derogatory thoughts and verbalizations regarding their intelligence, physical appearance, or attractiveness to others. - 32543

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Spiraling Out Of Control On Drugs

By Sarah Bainbridge

Has life spiraled out of control because of a drug problem? In either case, you're not alone. Addiction is a problem that many people face. If yes, you may feel isolated, helpless and ashamed. Or perhaps you're worried about a friend or family member's drug use.

There is good news for you or your loved one. You can get better. There is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how terrible the substance abuse problem may seem and no matter how powerless you feel. Learning and understanding about the nature of the addiction, how it develops, what it looks like, and why it has such a powerful hold on an individual, will give you a better grasp of the problem and how to deal with it.

What people often underestimate is the complexity of drug addiction, that it is a disease that impacts the brain and because of that, breaking the addiction is not simply a matter of inner strength and willpower. Several people don't understand why individuals become addicted or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse.

People mistakenly view drug addiction and abuse as strictly a social problem and may characterize those who take drugs as morally weak. One common belief is that drug abusers should be able to just quit taking drugs if they are willing to change their behavior. However scientific advances have shown much more about how exactly drugs work in the brain, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated, to help people stop abusing drugs and resume their normal productive lives.

Drugs are chemicals that tap into the brain's communication system and disrupt the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. There are at least two ways that drugs are able to do this: (1) by imitating the brain's natural chemical messengers, and/or (2) by over stimulating the "reward circuit" of the brain.

Long-term abuse causes changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that influences the reward circuit and the ability to learn. When the optimal concentration of glutamate is altered by drug abuse, the brain attempts to compensate, which can impair cognitive function.

Drugs abuse facilitates unconscious learning, which leads to the user experiencing uncontrollable yearning when they see a place or person they associate with the drug experience, even when the drug itself is not available. Brain imaging studies of drug-addicted individuals show changes in areas of the brain that are critical to judgment, decision making, learning and memory and behavioral control. Together these changes can drive an drug user to seek out and take drugs compulsively despite adverse consequences, in other words, to become addicted to drugs. - 32543

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Personality Traits And Psychology

By Anthony Sanchez

The branch of science that analyzes and breaks down the human mind and why people act the way they do is called psychology. Ancient civilizations are believed to have started this scientific process of questioning of how the human mind functions. And now, in the 20th century, the study of the human mind has become more complex, and a more accepted social science, having a clear methodology.

People who research or practice the science of psychology are dubbed as psychologists. Observation of human behavior, understanding their emotions, motivations and personality are among the things that psychologists do. Overall, psychologists are really interested in understanding the ways of the human mind and human interaction.

Personality psychology is one branch of psychology that even non-psychologists have taken notice of. This type of psychology is very much available even to ordinary people in the form of personality tests that can be found in magazines, books and the internet. In essence, this area of psychology is interested in trying to understand the overall personality of individuals.

Forming a rational idea of a person's personality is the starting point of personality psychology. Following this, analyzing how a person reacts to certain things, or behaves that is not similar to peers or similar subjects is observed. Eventually, even same reactions and exactly same behaviors and personality traits are studied as well.

An example of a personality psychology theory that has made huge waves in the scientific community is called Big 5. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion, openness and neuroticism are the five traits that make up the Big 5. The traits mentioned above can be observed in everyone although in different degrees for each individual.

To be able to fully grasp the subject on personality psychology, it is important to check on what the Big 5 means. Openness is distinguished with people who are always welcoming changes and suggestions of new ideas, while extroversion is seen with people who are outgoing and can easily get along with a lot of people. When an individual seems to be too painstaking when it comes to doing a particular job is said to be high on being conscientious and one who is too friendly and is too helpful is high on the agreeableness level.

And lastly, having long bouts of depression, anger, anxiety that are sometimes unexplainable could be symptoms that a person has a trait of neuroticism. Though there may be some more known traits that are not included in the list, this might be because those traits are the products of combining two or more of the Big 5 traits mentioned above. Psychology, as you can see, is very complex and this theory is simply a fraction of what psychology is all about.

Discounting the use of psychology in any field will be hard as everyone is using it whether deliberately or not. Since it is involved in understanding, analyzing, predicting and studying the human mind and soul. Being able to understand how psychology can work for each one of us can help us relate with different people.

As said, any field or work or study can use psychology and will be better off with inputs from a psychologist. Studying the mind is the basis of psychology, thus anything in the world can be a study for psychology. It works for anything, like business, in relationships, even sports. - 32543

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The Diagnosis of Depression

By Jonathan Stevens

Depression is a disorder that manifests itself through symptoms like loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. In a severe case of depression, the individual suffering from depression may resort to committing suicide.

There are two kinds of this illness: Major depression, or dysthymia which affects mood; and Manic depression or bipolar illness, when feeling low and depressed alternates with recklessness.

It is preferable to visit your family doctor as he will be aware of your previous medical conditions and medical history. The first thing you should do if you suspect that you may be depressed is visit your family doctor for a thorough checkup. If you are unable to or maybe embarrassed to visit your family doctor, any other general physician will serve the same purpose. There should never be any embarrassment or apprehension when coping with this illness.

Some other severe medical conditions can cause depression symptoms, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, female hormonal changes and thyroid conditions. So an individual should be absolutely sure by before taking any kind of medication and self medicating.

The doctor you visit, family doctor or any other physician, will begin the diagnostic process by asking you a series of questions and those could be :

What are your symptoms?

How long has it been since you've had these symptoms?

How do these signs impact your regular responsibilities?

Have you experienced these symptoms before?

Have you been treated for this illness before?

If so, what treatments were you given and which worked best?

Do any of your relatives have depression?

If so, were your relatives treated for depression and which treatments worked best?

Do you use drugs or drink alcohol?

Have you thought about death or suicide?

There is no current laboratory test that can be used to diagnose depression. Depression is diagnosed based on your reported symptoms, signs that your doctor observes during the interview, your medical history and your family's medical history. Depression occurs in persons of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

It is very essential that the family be supportive of the individual suffering from depression through this difficult time. The family needs to extend their love and affection and most importantly their support.

Facts relating to depression :

Depression is common, affecting close to 121 million people worldwide.

Depression is amongst the top causes of disability worldwide.

Depression can be reliably diagnosed and treated in primary care.

Fewer than 25 % of those suffering from depression have access to treatment.

In conclusion, depression like most major illnesses can be cured, if it is detected in time and is treated. Family plays an vital role in the treatment. - 32543

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Top Tips Of Allergy

By Angela Johnson

There are more then ten million Americans who have an allergy to pollen alone, this is about one in every five people in the United States. Suffers of allergies have a disorder of their immune system and that is what causes the symptoms.

Many people are allergic to dust, pollen , nuts, and bumble bees and they are so sensitive to these allergies that the allergy could become life threatening and turn into an anaphlyactic reaction if it doesn't get treated immediately.

In hot dry climates it has been found that there are more allergens floating around in the air, rather then humid and cooler climates. In the spring and early summer is another time that there are a lot of allergens in the air this is because the plants and the trees are budding and this helps out the pollen.

Antihistamines, decongestants, and also nasal spray are medical treatments that help ward off some of the uncomfortableness of allergies.

But any expert in the allergy field will say that the best way to treat the allergy is to stay away form it. In your house it would be a good idea to use an air cleaner with a HEPA filter.

Filters that are HEPA eliminate just about all dust, and pollen out of the air. If you happen to be allergic to smoke, look into an activated carbon filter, they work awesome.

Allergies can cause many different symptoms and they do effect lifestyles, ask anybody you know with an allergy. There are some new products that are now available to help with the allergy problem. In the United States there are an increasing amount of people that have allergies, when people get tested over fifty percent have at least one allergen.

If you suffer from any type of allergy you should be able to fond somebody else that has the exact some allergy. - 32543

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Exactly What You've Been Waiting For: Self Help For Panic Attacks

By Denise U. Carpenter

There are many who seek self help for panic attacks. Some people are unaware of where to begin when in search of help. Taken into notice that many times stress can instigate a panic attack will help one better understand the need as well as ways to deal with this concern.

One of the first things one should do when trying to understand this condition is to do research online and become familiar with the disorder. Find out the history behind anxiety attacks and the things that can trigger an episode. Identifying the issue can help avoid certain activities and in many cases even foods such as caffeine.

Get the support of a family member or close friend to help you through this trying time. Sharing how you feel may be an excellent way of dealing panic attack. By talking about your worries oppose to holding them in, this can help put a noose on the occurring panic attacks because you are not trying to cope with thins alone.

Monitoring your breathing by breathing into a brown paper bag is an excellent way to cope with a panic attack. When breathing into a brown paper bag the person experiencing the attack will find a sense of comfort and control because lack of air is a major concern during the time of this episode. Feeling as if there is a great amount of air available can put great ease on the situation because the fear of suffocating can be alleviated.

Speaking to yourself during a panic attack is something that can be of assistance. Reminding oneself that this is only a passing event will help a person gain back control. Believing that there is nothing to worry about is going to help you get though the attack. When it is realized that this is an issue that isn't going to harm you things will simmer down. Speak in a tone that is re-assuring and of certainty.

Take a whiff of something that smells good! Finding something that brings you joy and peace is another excellent self help exercise! Certain aromas can bring a about tranquility and relieve. Sometimes sniffing something that brings back great memories can redirect one's mind to a past pleasant past experience. Try burning beautiful scented candles or event the fresh cent of baby powder can bring about coziness.

Try counting backwards from 100. If you take your mind off of the current situation you will not have time to think about what's going on. Redirect your focus on trying to remember what number comes after 100, that time taken trying to recall those proceeding numbers will absorb the energy that that has ignited the panic attack.

There are online support groups and people who can help you deal with this issue. Being able to relate to others can bring a sense of comfort. If there are others who are also experiencing the same thing as you then you may find it easier to work through your panic attacks.

Take your time and do not fret because self help for panic attacks is available. Familiarize yourself with the condition you are suffering from and gain knowledge of the many ways to deal with the issue. Do not be afraid to take control over your life and regain hope and order. You are not alone and there are many others who are out there who experienced it, overcame it and you can too! - 32543

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Top Treatments for Social anxiety disorder

By Angela Johnson

Anxiety attacks are becoming more and more commonplace across the world as people start to experience personally from the effects associated with the worldwide slowdown in the world economy. Obviously panic disorders weren't produced entirely by the world's existing financial issues; these been with us some time before that.

Nevertheless, because panic attacks are a strain related sickness, the actual increased strain put upon individuals by worldwide economic struggles shows that more and more people are falling victim to this problem, and that is the reason why a treatment for panic attacks is so crucial.

One kind for treating anxiety attacks is something known as "exposure therapy" , involving purposely revealing your self to a panic attack in the controlled surroundings. You will be held under close observation at all times and a professional is going to be with you to provide useful assistance on a number of methodologies that you could try out throughout the development of an attack.

As an example you might be prompted in order to hyperventilate (inhale rapidly), as well as to move the head laterally, or perhaps to try holding your breathing for protracted durations.

There are 2 advantages available from this type of therapy. Firstly, by way of repeated sessions, you are offered the chance to have repeated exposures that generate more familiarization (the saying familiarity breeds contempt springs in your thoughts), with the symptoms. Because you are in a safe supervised environment helps you to realize that the signs and symptoms are not life threatening.

The next benefit is that you are trying out several therapies, as directed, as well as under guidance. You could possibly well discover that these types of offer some ease and comfort as well as easily handle the actual episodes. This sort of therapy pertaining to panic attacks is purely psychological.

The same kind of treatment can be used by agoraphobia, which can be currently seen as well as understood to become type of panic disorders. In fact it really is theorized that agoraphobia begins like a panic and anxiety attack but is definitely related to the fear of open spaces.

This particular remedy for anxiety attacks as well as agoraphobia have shown to gain good results within 6 to Twelve months plus they could equally help to manage episodes and at last cease all of them from occurring. - 32543

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Treatment For Panic Attacks

By Harry Constantine

Anyone who suffers from panic attacks is aware of just how serious they are. Not only do they need negative effects in your life but they conjointly have psychological effects. For several individuals, the worst kind of panic attack is those involved with going out and meeting people.

Panic attacks come in numerous degrees from slight nervousness to sheer terror. It depends upon the seriousness of the situation and how badly you suffer from them. So are there any cures for panic attacks?


Many doctors prescribe (and usually prescribe incorrectly) medication to regulate panic attacks. The real issue is that medication is not actually a cure! All it does is brush the symptoms beneath the carpet where you forget about them. Usually as you stop the medication the panic attacks return, sometimes gradually, sometimes rather quickly. With the possible side effects and addiction, you probably do not wish to be taking any medication for too long.

A ton of individuals can take medication and then assume their panic attacks are cured. Correctly prescribed medication is ready to provide you with a respite from panic attacks and allow you to continue living your life. Just remember that medication does not actually cure you from panic attacks.


You might not believe the impact that your diet can have on your level of anxiety. The human body is supposed to be a balanced system however many folks eat a very acidic diet that knocks it out of balance. Often cutting out acidic foods such as nuts, dairy, alcohol and sugar whilst increasing your intake of alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables will have a serious impact on your anxiety levels.

Whereas this change in diet may not cure your panic attacks and can cut back their frequency and levels.

Deep Breathing

A great approach to control panic attacks is by deep breathing. It is possible to stop some panic attacks just by deep breathing. It is impossible for you to become too anxious if your body is relaxed, as it is throughout deep breathing. The 7 / eleven method is one of the most common ways of deep breathing. It is very easy, you breath in for seven seconds and then breath out for eleven seconds.

If you concentrate on deep breathing once you feel a panic attack building you can stop them from taking control of you.


Going for hypnosis with a professional practitioner is a approach to permanently cure your panic attacks. The practitioner will use hypnosis to understand what actually caused your panic attacks in the first place and resolve it. You can learn relaxation techniques from them that will stop the panic attacks from taking over when they start. It can take many sessions, depending on the cause of your panic attacks, however it is worth it.

Whereas the exact cure for panic attacks can vary from person to person, the above 3 techniques are ways for you to begin to control and minimize the consequences the panic attacks have on your life. Through these methods you'll be able to begin to take back control of your life and get pleasure from life to the full again. - 32543

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Finding Good Insomnia Cures To Fix Your Problem

By Carl Hartley

Everyone knows there is nothing worse than being exhausted, but finding yourself unable to fall asleep. No one can honestly say that they have not experienced it, as some point in their lives. If they are fortunate, it does not last long. A real problem can arise, however, when the issue of being unable to sleep is continuous. When you suffer from insomnia, you want to find insomnia cures that work fast.

A lot of people will not use prescription medications, because they fear the habit forming potential of most of them. While they can be helpful, becoming dependent on them for sleep is something no one wants. Sometimes, these medications can also result in a rebound effect if you just stop taking them. This can just perpetuate the cycle of not being able to sleep.

Sometimes, you could find yourself with a problem that requires you to see a doctor. If it has gotten really severe and lasted a long time, you really do need to make an appointment. While they are not very common, some health problems can contribute to or cause insomnia. Proper treatment can be extremely important in these situations.

Many people prefer trying natural remedies, on their own, as their first solution. Many items are available over the counter and are just as effective as prescription items. They are, however, usually better, because they carry the risk of less side effects and are often much safer.

You will also find a great number of things claiming to help treat insomnia. They often say they can help with falling and staying asleep. Not all of them, however, are actually backed up by any type of research that proves this. You will want to be certain you are using something that is both effective and safe to use.

If you stick with the ones that are known to help and have been used for many years, you may find the perfect solution. They can be an easy way to end a very frustrating problem. One substance that occurs naturally in our bodies that helps many people is Melatonin. We need it to help regulate our natural sleep cycles. It can be purchased in many stores as a natural supplement.

Some people have also gotten effective help by using Valerian Root. It is a natural, plant based remedy that has been used for a long time to help restore normal sleep patterns. It is important to note, however, that it should not be used by people that suffer from depressive symptoms.

Ensuring that you keep a regular schedule could be a very simple solution to your problem. People who do not do this can quite often find themselves with problems falling asleep at any given time. The normal human body has certain rhythmic cycles that it follows and disruptions can leave you unable to sleep.

There are many things you can use for effective insomnia cures. All it takes is a little research and some trial and error to discover exactly what works for you. Remember, if nothing seems to be helping and the problem is severe, you should always consult your doctor. - 32543

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Comprehending Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder

By Ken P Doyle

In the United States, 5.7 million adults are diagnosed of bipolar manic depressive disorder. Also, the 3.4 million American children and adolescents diagnosed of depression are highly likely to experience bipolar depression or bipolar manic disorder symptoms. The National Health Institute of Mental Health also states that the condition can reduce up to 9.2 years from your life span in causing suicidal or self-destructive behavior. Hence, bipolar depressive or bipolar manic disorder is one of the leading causes of human disability. Bipolar manic depressive disorder is a psychiatric illness that causes unusual and sudden changes to mood, activity and energy levels, which affect an individual's ability to carry out his day to day tasks. Manic depression symptoms go from feeling very sad, helpless and despaired, and suddenly cause him to shift to feeling euphoric happiness, being overly active and practically on top of the world, which may severe relationships, affect job and school performance, or even cause suicide.

Description of Bipolar

Symptoms of bipolar manic disorder include sleeplessness, high energy levels, having large plans for activities, restlessness, talkativeness and uneasiness. Symptoms of bipolar depression are low energy with negative feelings like hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, and appetite loss. A patient might have many of these symptoms daily. The symptoms typically happen throughout the late teenage or early grown up years. The majority of patients begin having the symptoms at approximately twenty five years old. According to statistics, females are 3X more likely to have bipolar episodes than males are. The NIMH additionally says that a family history of the disorder might make an individual's risk of having these symptoms higher.


The first step in diagnosis involves physical examinations, interview, lab tests like blood work and brain scans and evaluation of the patient's medical history. After a complete diagnostic evaluation, the doctor may provide referral to a trained mental health specialist such as a psychiatrist, who is more experienced in handling bipolar disorder. Proper and immediate diagnosis is extremely important in helping bipolar sufferers lead a normal life. It will also help provide the right kind of treatment that will reduce the frequency or severity of the symptoms.


A combination of medication and psychotherapy is usually recommended to effectively prevent relapse and bipolar episodes. Mood stabilizers (lithium, valproic acid, and anticonvulsants), atypical antipsychotic (olanzapine, aripiprazolw, quetiapine, risperidone) and antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed among bipolar patients. These are usually prescribed by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. In some cases, sleep medications or sedatives are recommended to patients having trouble sleeping. Psychotherapy or 'talk therapy' provides support, guidance and education among bipolar patients as well as their families. It involves several approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy and psycho education.

Word of Caution

With bipolar manic depressive disorder, making it more difficult to diagnose and treat because there are other illnesses that may coexist. Causing behavioral problems associated with bipolar manic disorder and substance abuse may prolong or trigger bipolar symptoms. Bipolar disorder may be overlapped with anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress, social phobia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Developing thyroid disease, migraine headaches, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, other physical illnesses and people suffering this condition have higher risks also. Hence, seeking professional help is advised upon experiencing symptoms of bipolar depressive or bipolar manic disorder. - 32543

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Ways To Stop Panic Attacks Free - Simple But Effective Tips To Relieve Yourself From Panic Attacks

By Royce Meyer

There are plenty of reasons or triggering factors why you will be experiencing panic attacks. often when you hopelessly try to get shot of it, you only end up exciting, feeding and sustaining it even more. Somehow, you are lucky because you can find out how to stop panic attacks free without compromising the situation.

Finding out the causing factors

It appears not possible to find out the triggering factors while you're still in too much daze from the attack but you can identify them after an attack. You can try and list them down.

What happened? Why did it happen? Were you hurt by someone? Is it the place that is choking you? What were your specific emotions? Who did you meet? Where did it happen? Who was with you when it happened? At what point did it happen? What activity did you do?

This is just a partial list of questions you have to answer. You want all of the important details surrounding the assault because it'll be your foundation for dealing with the subsequent attack. You will be ready by then. Stop for an instant to realise what exactly is occurring. Remember that what you are feeling will not put you in grave danger. Your fear and anxiety are just products of the psychological noise and stress that you are getting.


Don't get too absorbed with the idea that what you have is life threatening. You must accept the fact that there is nothing wrong and that nothing bad will happen. Your emotions only make a response to what you believe so you have to begin the change from your intelligence before you can deal with the feelings.

You need someone

It can not be denied that you cannot do this on your own. I do understand that you want to find out how to stop panic attacks free but when things get worst, you'll need someone to assist you and steer you. It depends on the severity and the frequency of your attacks which will outline if you really need someone. However, you should not ignore the fact that some medicines or some interventions are only made possible thru aid from medical personnel. It could be the health problem should be treated first before you can deal with the panic attack. - 32543

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Trapped In Depression ?

By Jeremy Stanford

The words "I'm depressed" became very common among many people as an answer to the question about their well being, including the intention for only describing a bad mood or when something goes wrong. Every person feels depressed every once in a while, but feeling of depression and depression illness are two different situations that should be distinguished.

With science and technology progression, new medications came into the market to treat this difficult problem, which seems to be accelerated by every passing second. Medications have an important role in certain depression cases.

Depression is a very real and treatable illness. Depression is just about the loneliest experience in the world. Depressed people, who are often poor communicators place more demands on a marriage with their greater need for caring and support and end up in unhappier marriages. Depression affects teenagers, pensioners and everyone in between; married people, single people, rich and poor. clinical depression affects 15% of the population, and a third of all women.

Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. If you are one of the more than 20 million people in the United States who have depression, the feelings do not go away. Depression can occur for what seems like no reason at all or can be triggered by a traumatizing life event within a person's life.

Although a low mood or state of dejection that does not affect functioning is often colloquially referred to as depression , clinical depression is a clinical diagnosis and may be different from the everyday meaning of "being depressed." Many people identify the feeling of being clinically depressed as "feeling sad for no reason", or "having no motivation to do anything." One suffering from depression may feel tired, sad, irritable, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Clinical depression is generally acknowledged to be more serious than normal depressed feelings.

Depression is the most common disease among adults, there are several disease levels, starting from light situation to "Major depression", characterized by suicidal thoughts and high risk of self-damaging. "Major depression" exists in about 10-20 precent out of world population, twice as much amidst women in comparison to men. This acute illness requires a professional intervention.

Depression may occur only once in a person's life. Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and community violence can make it more likely for people to become depressed. Two hallmarks of depression - symptoms key to establishing are Loss of interest in normal daily activities. Depressed mood. You feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and may have crying spells. Depression symptoms are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors, but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, irregular eating, sleeping, crying spells, and decreased libido).

It is certainly recommended to allow the body to treat the problem naturally. There is so much to do, so many ways to tune the body back in balance and heal it. Depression is only a symptom, it is a sign that something went out of balance, and it is the way that the body tells us that it deals with something. - 32543

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How To Stop An Anxiety Attack - Useful Techniques That Work

By Ronald Dotson

Anxiety attacks may be controlled thru medication, but this customarily involves building up a certain level of beta blockers in your body tissue. Tranquilizers can help , but are addictive and may inflame the attacks over a period of time. In the meantime, you can easily learn one or two relaxation techniques to bring your panic in hand or to actually prevent an incipient attack from happening.

First, you want to learn to breathe properly. This involves slowly breathing through your for a count of roughly four seconds. Hold the breath for up to 7 seconds and then slowly breathe out through your mouth, making a slight whooshing sound by clenching your teeth together. Try and prolong the exhalation for about eight seconds if at all possible ( by practicing it is ).

Now, try to visualise your panic like it were an object you could focus on. Tell it to go away, that you're in control, and that you won't panic. Reassure yourself that there is zilch wrong and that the panic object is a rude visitor who needs to be expelled.

After a minute of "Visualizing" your panic, it is time to relax your body's muscles. Begin with the feet by clenching the muscles and releasing them. Work your way up your body tightening and relaxing muscle groupings till you've reached your head. If you're still feeling panicky, repeat the process, starting with the breathing techniques we described.

Amazingly, usually, having an attack of anxiety in public regularly goes completely unnoticed by those around you. Outwardly, you will appear calm and collected, despite the turmoil you're feeling. Use this to your advantage to silently control your sentiments of panic as you apply the relaxation methods debated.

These attacks of fear or fear are zilch to sneeze at, and you should follow up with your health practitioner or primary caregiver as soon as possible to pinpoint the root root of the problem. Meanwhile, these basic systems to focus you and relax have proved effective for many sufferers of anxiety who are wrestling to find out how to stop anxiety attacks in a crisis! - 32543

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How To Stop Anxiety Attacks Even Before They Happen

By Irvin Ewing

If you want to know the methods associated with the simple way to stop anxiety attacks naturally you first have to take a look at why you get them. Most anxiety attacks occur as we have an extraordinary fear of something and we are triggered to respond to that fear during certain times of stress. When we reply with a high level of anxiety we often find that we finish up being counterproductive.

In all fact anxiety attacks are just a method of protecting ourselves. We believe deep down that the situation to hand is somehow very bad for us and so our brains raise our level of anxiety to an extreme degree. In order to stop having them we have to guage the assumption that we carry regarding the scale of the situation.

There are all sorts of respiring methodologies and even medicines that may help control anxiety. Yet in the long term these are techniques offered to deal with the anxiety after it happens instead of a preventive method. If you want to learn how to stop anxiety attacks for good - and not just lessen the seriousness of them, then you've got to treat your problem at the root - the fear of the attack itself.

Recreating the belief that triggers anxiety attacks isn't very easy unless you have had some practice. As an example, if the necessity to perform well on the job creates a high level of anxiety and triggers attacks, you've got to deal with what you believe would happen if you performed poorly on a project.

Plenty of us believe that if we perform unexceptionally then we're going to find ourselves fired from our position, which will mean the loss of the house, hunger, and impending homelessness. This is pretty significant when it comes to be afraid of. And it is this fear that fuels the anxiety attacks over and over again. Pretty shortly, you have conditioned yourself to experience anxiety whenever you concentrate on your job or go to work - even if there's nothing stressed going on that day!

What if you assumed that the absolute best you could deliver would be good enough at the time? What if you took away the intense pressure to perform so that you could perform? What if you really believed that if the worst happened and you lost your job that you would still be Okay? Learning the way to stop anxiety attacks involves learning to banish our fears and live a phobia free life! - 32543

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How To Stop Panic Attacks - Stop The Freak Out

By Glenn Atkins

Panic attacks can happen in anyone without reference to their situation or standing. It is assumed that 1 in three of us have had a sequence of panic attacks at one time or another. It can affect men or ladies, though women are far more ordinarily affected, with younger ladies having the majority of the attacks. We give you tips about how to stop panic attacks.

There is regularly the sense that the person suffering the assault is getting ready to die, this isn't the case though. The period of the attacks can last from minutes thru to an hour with the symptoms waxing and fading.

There are varied reasons that folk begin to have attacks, from death, to depression, relationship Problems or sometimes no clear reason at all . Some people with conditions like diabetes are also more disposed to developing panic attacks. There's a link to having low blood sugar levels prior to an attack developing.

Watching your diet and guaranteeing you eat at each meal time could be helpful in preventing attacks. Caffeine is another product that will bring on attacks as too much in your system could cause extreme levels of anxiety and agitation which will not help. You can try decaffeinated coffee or try herbal tea for a better choice.

Feeling unwell, palpitations, feeling dizzy, rapid heart beat, can all be caused a panic attack. Very commonly the person will have an overwhelming sense that they're going to die. Adrenalin is produced by fear and this will be racing around your body during an attack.

To get the attack under control, target your breathing. Big, deep breathes will help you feel much calmer and will start the reduction of symptoms. Doctors say that breathing into a paper carrier bag with help quickly as when hyperventilating you breathe unjustifiable carbon monoxide out and this raises levels of astringency in the blood, which in turn produce the above listed symptoms. You may breathe in the carbon monoxide back in so lowering acidic quantities.

Exercise is also a vital part of dealing with attacks as it releases a feeling of peace and well being and various chemicals which is going to help release stress levels.

Yoga is a very effective relaxation system which is going to also teach you how to breathe in the right way. - 32543

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Powerful Panic Attacks

By Glenn Atkins

For most of the people, a panic attack may be something they experience a few times in their life, if . a severe panic attack comes on all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, and can even manifest intense physical reactions. Severe panic attacks can be terrifying, and could cause an individual to suspect that they're about to die, as they frequently mimic coronary symptoms. For people that experience panic attacks often, might be affected by a recognized infirmity known as panic disorder.

Serious Panic Attacks Symptoms

A quick heart rate, lack of breath, woozy spells, queasiness and hot flushes are all harsh panic attack symptoms. Different people experience varying symptoms, which include sweating, faintness, trembling, headache, chest discomfort from stress and anxiety, hyperventilation, abdominal cramping, chills, tightness in your throat and having trouble swallowing. In most cases, panic attacks come on suddenly, and sometimes build for the subsequent ten minutes. Among many different forms people have experienced are panic attacks that can last for a half hour and barely, lasting a full day. Most panic attacks leave the person exhausted, and the very idea of having another one itself, could cause serious anxiety symptoms. In serious cases, folks are disinclined to leave their homes, feeling that no other place is safe.

Frequently there's limited awareness of the reasons for severe panic attacks or panic disorder. However , stress, genetics and changes in brain function might be the contributory elements. The changes someone experiences during a panic attack, is the body's natural reaction to danger. By inflating heart beat rate and breathing, the body money itself to fight, or for flight. What leaves most scientists flummoxed is why these changes are experienced in circumstances where there isn't any clear danger.

Severe Panic Attack Treatments

The good news is that proper treatment effectively controls and eliminates all the leading indicators of severe panic attack. With medicines and / or psychotherapy, a person is able to live a regular life. Some of the medicines used to regulate the symptoms that might often include depression are :

* SSRIs : These are medicines that fall in the category of mood suppress-ants called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. They include citalopram ( Celexa ), fluoxetine ( Prozac, Prozac Weekly ), escitalopram ( Lexapro ), sertraline ( Zoloft ), and paroxetine ( Paxil, Paxil CR ).

* MAOIs : The mono-amine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs are antidepress-ants that are used as a last resort medication, as they need strict diet restrictions and could cause potentially terminal complications. They include selegiline ( Emsam ), phenelzine ( Nardil ), isocarboxazid ( Marplan ) and tranylcypromine ( Parnate ).

* SNRIs : These serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors or SNRIs are mood suppressants prescribed for mood aberrations like depression and include duloxetine ( Cymbalta ) and venlafaxine ( Effexor, Effexor XR ).

* Benzodiazepines : These mild sedatives are a part of the family of central nervous system ( CNS ) depressants. They can be addictive when consumed in high doses for a long duration. They include alprazolam ( Xanax ), lorazepam ( Ativan ) and clonazepam ( Klonopin ). - 32543

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Autogenic Meditation Information

By Odesi Desko

You would be hard pressed to find someone these days who is not familiar with the concept of stress. Most people have stresses coming from more than once source, pressure from the job and in personal issues can be overwhelming. Johannes Schults, a German psychiatrist, has come up with a relaxation technique called Autogenic Training, already there has been tremendous interest by those suffering from stress. As with any other stress reducing program, a participant has to be completely dedicated to follow through with all that is required of them and not just be a passive participant.

Letting the problems of each day drag you down is one of the worst feelings there is. If there was a way of leaving these problems at the door, many people would consider it a blessing. Over the past few years there has been a number of ideas that have come out regarding the issue of how to escape.

Autogenic Training consists of 15 minute sessions, three times a day, which induce a relaxation state. This is very similar to self-hypnotism, where a person 'talks' themselves into a semi-conscious state and leaves the cares of the world behind.

The session is practiced while in a certain posture (either laying down, sitting, or standing in a comfortable position), where the person repeats certain phrases several times, and their body abides by the command. If for example, you say "my leg (arm or another part of the body) will be relaxed," the body part will then follow the direction and become relaxed. This is repeated for the different parts of the body until full muscle relaxation is achieved.

There are many modern regimens that are built upon the idea that relaxation that can be obtained by Autogenic Training or HT Massage Chair HT-7120 Massage Chair, can help in relieving acute stress and/or lessen more common aches and pains we all suffer.

The method has been successful for a great number of people, allowing them to find the mental and physical relief they are looking for. The body position used in this approach has been compared quite often to Yoga. One of the most important things to remember, is that the person must be in a position that is totally comfortable to them, in order for them to attain complete relaxation. One approach is to lay flat on your back, and begin with your feet, ordering your body, one part at a time to let go of your stress and be calm.

This technique requires some time to accomplish the desired effect it cannot be accomplished over night. Having the body muscles 'take a break', one at a time, gives one the feeling of letting go of the world's cares completely. When achieving this state the mind is able to concentrate on the pleasure of the moment and leave the problems of the world behind.

Many of today's physical and mental therapists teach their patients to use this technique as it can be done simply and does not take huge period of time. This is a do-it-yourself project which anyone, after training, can do without supervision. Finding peace in this world of economic and personal tension is the aim of everyone. Some are able to get by without the support of sessions such as Autogenic Training but it is very difficult and this is a very easy way to obtain complete relaxation. - 32543

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How To Prevent Panic Attacks - Discovering What You Can Do To Finish Your Fears Once And For All

By Cornelius Gomez

When it comes to learning to prevent panic attacks, folk tend to overlook it. The common notion is that when you are feeling you are about to have an attack, the symptoms would gradually progress even if you do everything you could.

Many individuals always try to go looking for formulas that will make them dispose of the condition as swiftly as respiring one cycle. However there isn't any such thing as fast recovery system from the assault. You will need to battle it off and forestall it from developing so you won't have to face the horrible effects. What should you find that there are things that you can do?

Avoid stimulants

What are these stimulants? Stimulants include caffeine, nicotine and sugar. All these substances can offer you boost in your energy and keeps you awake. You will undergo plenty of stress because these stimulants will keep you going even if your consciousness is at the point of break down. You have to recollect that your cerebral cortex needs rest. You have to listen to me when I say that the health of your consciousness is the same as the health of your body. Foods that increase sugar content in your blood will trigger the releasing of adrenaline. And, it will make your body make a response to the considerate nervous system where your heart rate increases. As a consequence, this can put you in peril for an attack.

Always know that reduction of these substances will really make important difference in the way that you handle an attack.

Spend some time with yourself

Do not forget to save a little time alone where you can be away from work, youngsters, household tasks and family. It's just when you are alone that you can think and rest peacefully. When you believe, you'll notice that things are not real especially your fears. You are just having an exaggerated response to fear of the unknown.

You fear something that's not really there and this is what you should fight. You can take good walks, window shop, dine at fine restaurants or spend overnight in a luxury suit hotel so long as you are away from stress. You can get a body massage from spas with aromatherapy. To explain, you need to treat yourself while spending some time alone. This may help you calm. Do this one or more times in a week. I do think your friends and family will see why you do this. You are helping yourself as much as your medical advisor does. - 32543

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Natural Herbs For Impotence: Improve Your Health

By Dwight Diem

Muira puama is a small bush/tree that grows to a height of 5 meters and produces small, white, jasmine-scented flowers. The plant parts used are the bark and root of this tree are used for medical purposes.

Muira puama has been used traditionally by tribes in Brazil and the surrounding South American countries. It is a popular, though not well researched, herbal supplement in Europe and North and South Americas.

Traditionally this herb was used by indigenous tribes as an aphrodisiac and to treat impotence. Chewing the barks, stems or root was the most popular method of administration.

Now the question is, why do people prefer natural treatment of high blood pressure? The reason is, herbal high blood pressure remedy is comparatively inexpensive than available high blood pressure medication.

Although many people are skeptical about sexual stimulants or "herbal viagra" as such, the muira puama herb has been shown by Dr. Jacques Lelu, a world authority on sexual functioning, of the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, that it is effective in assisting in increasing sexual desire as well as attaining and maintaining an erection.

Although clinical studies and research are sparse, muira puama is still promoted today as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and as a male aphrodisiac. It has also been used for gastrointestinal disorders and as a treatment for indigestion.

Muira puama appears to be relatively safe at the dosages expressed above. Insomnia and restlessness have been noted with high doses. Due to lack of research with human subjects, women who are pregnant or lactating should avoid taking this supplement. Safety in children has also not been determined. There has not been any toxicity noted with long term use on muira puama. There do not appear to be any drug interactions with this supplement, although it may increase the effect of erectile dysfunction drugs and supplements.

Next to muira puama, the other useful herbal remedy for lowering blood pressure, is garlic preparations. This helps in reducing the total cholesterol level. Hawthorne berry is another safe herbal remedy available in the market other than muira puama, for lowering blood pressure. Besides treating high blood pressure, they may also help in treating cardiovascular disease in many different countries. - 32543

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