Beating Depression By getting Fit

By Luke Wilson

This article is perfect for those people who might find themselves feeling a little bit blue during the holidays, but like natural cures for depression rather than traditional medicine.

Let me state that if you have been being treated for severe depression I would strongly suggest that you talk to your doctor before you began this program. Depression is a very serious matter and should not be taking lightly.

This article is for those people who just feel just a little run down. You know the jobs getting to you, the kids aren't listening, the bills are beginning to stack up, and oh yeah it's almost time to go out and spend more money that you don't have.

I want to ask you something? Would you even know it if you were depressed? Sounds like a silly question I know, but it is not.

Here are some of the signs of depression:

1) Lost interest in your favorite activities.

2)Trouble sleeping.

3)Fluctuation in weight.

4)Unexplained physical pain.

5) Difficulty concentrating.

These are some of the common symptom's of depression. Fortunately there are many ways to treat depression. Some of the best natural ways to cure depression is with a proper diet and exercise regimen.

The first thing that I would suggest is to watch the diet. The connection between a healthy mind and body has already been proven. A healthy diet fuels the body and helps you feel better. Another tip is to try and limit your sugar and fat intake.

Building your body around fruits, vegetable, and whole grains will not a only help with your body, but also with your mood. Eating healthy and being healthy helps with depression. Some studies have suggested omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin b-12 may help ease mood changes such as depression.

Carbohydrates -- when eaten alone without protein -- raise the level of serotonin in your brain. Low-fat carbs such as a baked potato, graham crackers, or pasta without meat may help lift you out of a depression.

Cutting back on your coffee intake will help with your mood and your feelings of anxiety. Also cutting back on soda, tea, and unfortunately for some of you chocolate lovers---chocolate. This can also make a big difference in your mood and how you sleep.

Exercising for some works better then any antidepressants. You don't have to be someone who spends hours in the gym either. You can start out just walking with a friend, and as time goes on increase your workout three or four times a week.

You will feel better physically, you will sleep better at night, and trust me you will feel less depressed. If you have trouble getting started try something you like or haven't done in a while and find a partner.

Some one that can encourage and in return they can encourage you. Be sure to find something you enjoy it, it won't seem like a chore if you enjoy it.

Through the day open the blinds, let the sunshine in. Wipe a way the doom a gloom of dark shadowy rooms. Every little bit helps. These are a few of my tips on beating or at the very least dealing with depression. - 32543

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