Your Next Step is Success

By Dr. Michael J. Duckett

Are you a great starter, but poor finisher of things? Many people are this way. Here is the challenge. Success usually generally occurs in the last twenty percent of your journey toward any goal.

When we want to product something, we take action to achieve it. Unfortunately, many people become discouraged during this first process because the first 80% does not product any visible results. It is at this point many simply give up and try something different.

Remember, it is not until you have exhausted all possibilities that you are granted the ability to do the impossible. When your resources, such as creativity and stamina, finally run dry is when you are on the verge of success. You may feel a little frightened to say the least, but any successful person will certainly tell you that is exactly what is necessary to reach new levels of life.

In fact, what you are attempting to achieve is probably available to you in the very next step. You must take it to win. If you are not fully committed, you fall into the masses of people who simply tried to make it happen.

One lady I was working with had a business for 21 years, and was ready to call it quits. She was out of money and had very few customers. I encouraged her to re-establish her mission statement to make it more passionate for her and above all else, to keep going. She rediscovered the reason for being in her business and stayed focused on the "why" she went into her line of work. Within three months she was making more money than she ever did and is still thriving using the process I'm going to share with you in just a moment.

Most people are always searching for the secrets in life. The reality is that this secret to accomplishing our desires is not a secret at all. It is a process called, "Do or Die."

If you truly desire to accomplish a goal badly enough, so much so that you would be willing to put your life on the line, two things will happen. One is that you will not die. Two is that you will accomplish your goal.

Yes, it takes a big person, a powerful person, a success minded person, to go all out for what is desired. That is why there are so few (less than 2%) people who create a dream life or achieve their desired results. Most people just try hard but not as hard as they can.

If you give yourself this command"....failure is not an option...." you will succeed.

For Your Success, Dr. Michael J. Duckett - 32543

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